Our History

Cheryl Jefferson & Associates Founded

Cheryl Jefferson Cooke started the firm on a part-time basis from her home.

First Employee

Hired the first employee and CJA became a full-time business.

New Office

Moved to the 1,000 sq ft office on Old Annapolis Road.

Staff Grows

The staff had grown to 4 full-time and 1 part-time professional staff.

Expanded Office
Expanded Office

Expanded its offices to 2,000 square feet.

Continued Growth
Continued Growth

Seven employees and over 40 clients.

Expanded Services

Expanded services to small medical practices and small construction contractors.

10 Year Anniversary
10 Year Anniversary

We celebrated our 10 year anniversary!

Settled in at our current office location

…along with a complete website overhaul to better accomodate our growing clientele!

100% Virtual!

We cut the cords on onsite servers and moved fully to the cloud with our staff being 100% remote.

Focus on SMART clients

Fine-tuned our services to focus on clients in the fields of Science, Math, Architecture, Research & Development, and Technology.

15 Year Anniversary
15 Year Anniversary

Proudly served for another 5 years!

20 Year Anniversary!
20 Year Anniversary!

Honored to celebrate 20 years!