Government Contract Consulting
Compilations and Reviews of Financial Statements
Financial Planning & Analysis (FP&A)
Small Business Accounting (Routine)
Our clients cover a vast array of industries including entrepreneurs, small businesses, government contractors, and professionals.
Government Contractors
- Federal Contracts (all professional services)
- Cybersecurity
- Defense Contracts
- Aerospace
- Civilian Agencies
Professional Services
- Engineering
- Information Technology
- Graphic Design and Web Development
- Architecture
- Interior Design
- Biotechnology
Our clients range in size from start ups to not-so-small with each having unique accounting needs.
- Businesses with 2 – 50 employees
- Businesses with $350,000 – $50 million revenue
- Entrepreneurs
- Consultants
- Professionals
- New Businesses And Start-Ups
- Checklist for Starting a New Business